SAF Policy

IITMAANA charges a Sustenance and Administrative Fee (SAF) on all donations, according to the following schedule:

  • For the first $40,000, the SAF is 5%
  • For donations over $40,000, the additional SAF is 1% of the amount over $40,000
  • For donations above $840,000, no additional SAF is charged for the amount over $840,000

For any single donation, the maximum SAF is $10,000.

Some examples of SAF:

  • For a donation of $2,000, the SAF is 5% of $2,000, ie, $100
  • For a donation of $45,000, the SAF is 5% of $40,000 plus 1% of $5,000, ie, $2,000+$50=$2,050
  • For a donation of $1,000,000, the SAF is 5% of $40,000 plus 1% of $800,000, ie, $2,000+$8,000=$10,000

Special note to those donating by credit card. The transaction fee IITMAANA pays for credit card donations is as high as 4.25%. If donating by credit card is the most convenient for you, please do so. Otherwise we recommend donating by check or other means (wire transfer, stock transfer, or BillPay, where the bank mails a check in your name) to help IITMAANA keep its costs low.

IITMAANA is an IRS certified 501(c)(3) charity organization located at: IITMAANA, PO Box 1660 Cupertino, CA 95015-1660, USA